Apple removes app created by Andrew Tate::Legal firm had said Real World Portal encouraged misogyny and there was evidence to suggest it is an illegal pyramid scheme

  • @[email protected]
    1110 months ago

    “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”

    While I truly believe the dude and his app are bad, Apple shouldn’t be able to both arbitrarily remove whatever apps they want from the store, but disallow loading apps from places other than the store.

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        I’m aware of it. But this is not the same as letting Nazis hang out in your bar turning it into a Nazi bad, you don’t have to even interact, see, or be aware of the shitty things that others do with their own devices.

        • Grant_M
          179 months ago

          Apple is a private company that doesn’t want to promote this rapist. It’s their right.

          • @[email protected]
            39 months ago

            Owning black people was also the right of plantation owners. And Nazis said they had a lot of rights as well…

            If you think that something being a legal right means it morally should be, you’re on the wrong side of history.

            • Grant_M
              169 months ago

              You’re comparing Apple to Nazis because they don’t want to be in business with a rapist scumbag?

              • @[email protected]
                49 months ago

                No, I’m saying just because we currently don’t regulate large corporations enough doesn’t mean they should have the right to fuck over anybody they want to

                • Grant_M
                  99 months ago

                  As a privately owned company, they reserve the right to not support rapists.Stop advocating for a rapist.

                  • @[email protected]
                    39 months ago

                    I don’t support rapists. That dude and people that want his app suck.

                    But everybody deserves to be able to run whatever software there want on their devices. And no company should be able to tell you what to do with things that you own.

                  • @[email protected]
                    9 months ago

                    Dude nobody here is advocating for a rapist, period. We advocate for freedom of speech, and not just the limited one currently granted by the 1st amendment of the constitution of the USA.

                    As a privately owned (really, public) company, they do reserve those right. I believe that’s a mistake, and that the constitution should protect free speech even on those platforms, even though it currently doesn’t.

                    Edit: I don’t mean they should make it easy to install Tate’s app, mind you, just “possible”. Just allowing app sideloading like Android, behind a bunch of warnings and hoops to jump, would be enough.

    • @[email protected]
      2010 months ago

      This is so dumb. It’s not arbitrary. It’s in their TOS. Apple doesn’t want the negative brand associations with him.

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        It is arbitrary. There is no court. There is no jury. There is no impartial third party to appeal to. Their terms of service are so vague that they could give any bs reason to take down anything they want. And they have done this to take down perfectly reasonable apps that are just critical of apple in the past.

        • @[email protected]
          59 months ago

          And Google bans any app that allows Youtube to play while the screen is off.

          Platforms owners are allowed to decide what they allow on their own platforms.

          It is the same as a physical store removing certain products from their shelves. Nobody should force them to add any they do not want on there.

          Don’t like it? Start your own platform.

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          Yeah. That’s private enterprise. Of course there is no judge or jury. It is arbitrary because it’s business and business is built on people’s feelings.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            But when one businesses whims can harm the right of millions, it’s time to regulate them so the CEOs feelings don’t fuck users over.

    • @[email protected]
      69 months ago

      Ignore the downvotes. I’m glad somebody still believes in freedom, and not just the crazy ones (i.e. fuck Andrew Tate, but fuck censorship too). People have died for us to enjoy this right that others want to throw down the drain.

    • @[email protected]
      59 months ago

      How about the pyramid scheme thing? How about malware? You gonna bust out your pseduo-Voltaire to defend malware too?

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        Do you believe it’s actually possible to eliminate malware? I don’t, and I don’t think fear of that is a good reason to let a megacorp censored and suppress people’s rights.

        Also that quote wasn’t actually said by Voltaire, but I have another out of context and disputed quote for you that’s very relevant here:

        “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      A business is not a government and people need to start recognizing the boundaries of what you are actually entitled to as a basic versus what is extra.

      If you walked into my printshop and used MY photocopier to routinely print Nazi fliers and this is something that I become aware of I should have the right to veto what use my photocopier is being put to. They are free to say what they want but I do not need to provide them service to assist them in it. They do not have the right to my compliance or my passive participation through use of my business to spread their garbage.

      Companies can say no. Freedom of speech protects you from the government it doesn’t entitle you to use of a privately owned platform to serve as your personal megaphone.

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        Your printshop isn’t a de-facto public town square. Apple, Google, Twitter, and other large companies have inserted themselves into that position.

        People like you that just go “government vs private business” miss the entire context, history, and nuance because why that distinction even ever mattered in the past and how it came to be.

        In the past, almost every business was closer in practice to being an individual. Your local print shop. Your local hardware store, etc. And for businesses like that, I agree with you 100% , they should get the right to do what they want.

        However, private mega-corporations nowadays have more power than most governments at the time the Constitution was signed. When a company has the power to decide what more than half the country can put on their own phone, that’s national level power, companies can seriously oppreess people, discriminate, etc, at this scale. Sure, this is a case of stopping a bad person, but there have also been cases of apple censoring apps critical of apple or other awful governmental atrocities in other countries. I’d rather apple not be able to censor anything, than be able to censor things like that.

        And your last paragraph is flat out wrong. Freedom of Speech is a concept, that means you are free to say what you want. You might be thinking of the first amendment to the United States Constitution, which is just one thing the US government promises to do.

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          The thing is that that concept of business having different responsibilities that scale with size isn’t a thing. It doesn’t matter if they are a print shop or own half the god damn world they operate on the same principles. That is what make these giant conglomerates scary and why anti trust options and breaking businesses into more smaller options is a good idea. But applying your ideas of government to a business is stupid. If you want a town square get the town to build a square where those rights are protected - don’t go down to the Mall owned by a management group and then crow freedom of speech when they throw you out for yelling obnoxious shit in the food court.

          Freedom of Speech is a concept - but there are two distinct ones. The actual legal protection and this fictional cootie shot bullshit of “I should be able to say whatever I want and no private citzen or group of private citizens should be able to challenge me in any way”. Honestly the second part is just entitlement half the time because last I checked those who usually advocate for the latter are usually the most willing to remove the former from entire groups of people. Personal consequences and social accountability should be and are part of that freedom. There are countries all over the world that have the freedom of speech enshrined in law but every single one places limitations of some sort of how it is protected and exercised . The US for instance has obscenity law, protected classes for whom services cannot be denied and people have the right to sue for defamation or libel. What counts as a legitimate protest (or exercise of free speech) and what gets the unruly unlawful mob treatment is also governed by a web of concepts and law. Free Speech is not an access card that removes all barriers, it’s a protection from your government and if you want your government to properly protect you from it you need to increase the space, services and property the government runs on where those rules are protected. You privatize a library you lose a lot of protections immediately because a federal or state institution has to play ball and businesses are closer to autocratic rule.

          Freedom of Speech is nebulous and nuanced but in all cases, every single country that protects expression, the responsibility, rights and restrictions given to businesses work on private citizen rules and the right for a private entity to refuse or withdraw participation is just as enshrined.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        As for Google, I agree.

        As for apple, how is anybody supposed to install the app if apple refuses to publish it? Unlike Google, they made their app store the gatekeeper as the only way to install apps for end users.