Google warns users of these apps that their experience may deteriorate soon. They may “experience buffering issues” or see errors such as “the following content is not available on this app” when trying to watch videos.

Similar to Google Search, ads have become insufferable for many users of the service. There are too many of them, they may break the viewing experience, and they may show inappropriate content.

YouTube Premium is expensive. What weights more for some users is that its functionality is severely limited when compared to third-party apps.

The cat and mouse game continues.

For those looking to avoid ads or improve privacy, here are some options for free, open source, privacy-friendly frontends to YouTube without advertisements:

  • @[email protected]
    766 months ago

    You know, they’d probably get a tenfold increase of Premium subscribers if they just, I don’t know, dropped the prices a smidge and had better regional pricing. Not everyone can or will subscribe, but Google is only making this more difficult for themselves by making it such an expensive service.

    • @[email protected]
      366 months ago

      I was a happy subscriber when I was paying $15/mo for a family plan for 6 people. I was grandfathered into a low rate for being an early adopter of Google Play Music All Access.

      Then they decided that grandfathered plans no longer applied and wanted me to start paying $23/mo, a more than 50% increase, so I canceled. I switched to Spotify for the music, where I pay less, and just watch less YouTube since the ads are ridiculous.

      If they kept it at $15/mo, I’d still be a subscriber. If they sold just ad-free YouTube for like $3/mo, I’d consider subscribing to that and keeping my Spotify subscription.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        It costs $23/mo for fucking YouTube? And to get the same experience you get with a free browser add-on? Fuck all of that. Absolutely not.

        • @[email protected]
          115 months ago

          Yep. Their excuse is that you also get YouTube music out of it, but there is no option to buy them separately.

          At this point I have no interest in moving away from Spotify, so Google’s gonna have to play ball if they want to get me back. It’s sad, too, when it seems like every other YouTube link I visit from my phone brings up a prompt begging me to subscribe again.

        • @[email protected]
          35 months ago

          … No. It’s $15 a month unless you sign up every single person in your family. It still boggles my mind how people have grown used to the idea of using services for free. The internet isn’t free. Everything costs money, even Lemmy. YouTube has server costs. Employee costs. And dare I say it, profit margins because they’re a business.

          You need to pay for services you use. I’m exhausted with online entitlement that it all should be free.

          • Frost-752
            5 months ago

            Right, cause YouTube/Google are really struggling so much that their only option is to increase prices while offering less value and making everyone’s experience worse. Maybe, and hear me out here, the massive billion dollar corporation could make less money.

            • @[email protected]
              25 months ago

              How much do they profit off YouTube again?

              Oh wait - they don’t. They take losses from it. A business, meant for making money, is suffering a loss to provide goobers like you content and have the goobers making that content profit enough so they aren’t in poverty for choosing to make videos for a living.

              You people really throw logic out the window when you talk about shit like this. You want corporations to make less money? Go fix the fucking tax laws not bitch about average membership fees like a fuckwit.

              • Frost-752
                5 months ago

                As far as I know, YouTube does not lose money(feel free to correct this with a source) and even just from a logical perspective if YouTube loses google money why keep pouring so many resources into it? The correct answer imo is YouTube doesn’t lose money theyre just greedy pigs but Alphabet(the parent company behind both google and YouTube) makes 10s of billions of dollars in profit, they are not struggling to pay the bills hell even if YouTube was losing then money fucking good they shouldn’t be allowed to hoard that much wealth anyway, but feel free to keep being a corporate bootlicker.

                • @[email protected]
                  15 months ago

                  YouTube has been running on a loss since they last posted their info some handful of years ago. I think Susan was being pressured by creators to be transparent or something. YouTube has expanded well beyond what it used to be and hasn’t demanded money to compensate. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger and Google/Alphabet has been fine with that but clearly aren’t anymore.

                  Alphabet makes money in other areas, yes, but YouTube specifically is the problem child that keeps begging for an allowance. So, how does YouTube fix it? How do they save money? By kicking off the freeloaders. You watch ads, contribute your 13 cents for the day, then fuck off - or you can buy premium.

                  Like I’ve said before, if you hate the big companies fix the tax laws, don’t bitch about them charging you for the service you’ve been getting free of charge.

              • gian
                35 months ago

                You people really throw logic out the window when you talk about shit like this. You want corporations to make less money? Go fix the fucking tax laws not bitch about average membership fees like a fuckwit.

                The problem is not that YT cannot make money, the problem here is that the options are that you can choose if watching video, with or without ads, for free (well, paying with your data) or pay with money and your data to watch videos with ads.

                I am not saying I have some god-like right to watch videos for free but on the other hand it seems that at YT they are trying as hard as they can to make me install adblocker to be able to use their service with minimun hassle.

                YT, like every other company, is learning that if they don’t care about customers then customers don’t care about them. They are making the false equation “one less user with adblocker == one more user on Premium|without adblocker”, which is obviously false. And they are forgetting that they have a lot of more or less direct competition.

                • lemmyreader
                  35 months ago

                  YT, like every other company, is learning that if they don’t care about customers then customers don’t care about them.

                  Quite a statement to say that Google (YouTube) would care about customers.

                • @[email protected]
                  35 months ago

                  Do you know how little money advertisers pay per ad? I think last I heard it’s between 0.5 and 3 cents. Could be even lower. That’s probably not enough, so they sell your anonymized data. That’s not enough, so they offer a membership without ads so the ratio can allow them to get closer to break even. What’s left?

                  The people getting the benefits of membership without paying for it. Third party apps letting you use premium features for free? Gone. Didn’t push the needle far enough. Most of their userbase using adblocker? New target acquired.

                  They’re very clearly trying to get their revenue and expenses to hit 1:1 because no company that’s doing well is going to crack down on their users. Netflix was flourishing so they let you share accounts. Then, the bill came and they said fuck that. Their revenue and profits went up what, 60%? They just had to endure the people throwing tantrums.

                  No, they’re learning that if 5% of the people using adblockers instead get Premium, they lose less money, even if it means doing what Netflix did and riding out the storm while people bitch and moan about how their free shit isn’t free anymore. Should they help offset it by making Premium more worthwhile with features even third party apps could do? Absolutely. Do I hate having to defend a company that could be doing so much more to benefit their users but are making pretty common sense business practices? Absolutely.

          • @[email protected]
            135 months ago

            It reads to me like you think these companies are entitled to a user base. They aren’t. Just because it costs money to run a service, it does not mean we have to accept the price they charge or the anti consumer practices.

            • @[email protected]
              25 months ago

              They provide a service not easily replicated, hence why there are no good alternatives. They operate on a loss because Alphabet/Google can afford it. They own the monopoly because they’re willing to lose money on it. You can swallow your pride and fuck off but it doesn’t matter. You don’t make an impact. They’ll still have the userbase and you leaving does nothing but lighten the server load from people who won’t pay anyway.

              You aren’t entitled to free services at the expense of others. They don’t have to let you use their website without charging you. You not using the site without paying isn’t the attack you think it is, it’s the desired outcome.

              • @[email protected]
                45 months ago

                That was a whole lot of assumptions about me. That, with the emotional language being used tells me that this interaction isn’t going anywhere useful or productive, so I’mma go ahead and step out.

          • gian
            115 months ago

            You need to pay for services you use. I’m exhausted with online entitlement that it all should be free.

            So, why Youtube Premium has ads ?

              • @[email protected]
                105 months ago

                Loads of videos have ads in there. They’re put in there by the content creators. This as YouTube doesn’t pay enough. YouTube premium doesn’t block those.

                It’s strange that you haven’t noticed those.

                • @[email protected]
                  15 months ago

                  Loads of videos don’t have those either. I watched three to four car repair videos yesterday and none had sponsored segments.

                  Some of my followed creators have them, but they are the minority. I’d love to see some overall stats, as my experience may not be the norm.

          • @[email protected]
            95 months ago

            The Internet is actually free. Services on it aren’t always. The issue with YouTube monetizing, for me, is 1) they are doing it retroactively and 2) they’re monetizing content made by others.

    • @[email protected]
      225 months ago

      I was about to pay for it when they doubled the cost. No joke I told my wife I was going to start paying since we watch it all the time. The next week they doubled the cost. It irritated me. Not because I couldn’t afford it but because they added no value with the increase. Nothing changed.

    • @[email protected]
      85 months ago

      I believe there’s a sort of death-loop phenom taking place here. The enshitification, you know.

    • @[email protected]
      65 months ago

      How much you think the salaries of the pencil pushers are, the ones who get paid for little else but squeezing every single possible cent out of the supply/demand curve? The corporate greedsters, err the “revenue maximizers”.

      Startup founders are told:

      Raise your prices. You’ll triple them and only lose 10% of your customers, and it will be your worst 10% of customers.

      • @[email protected]
        245 months ago

        Yeah let me fork over my rapidly disappearing regular people money for a service which used to be free, whose price will only keep going up, and whose features will only keep disappearing to be locked behind a higher tier of paid subscription, thus giving me less and less, for more and more payment. You meet me over there. Let me just grab my little red wig and honk my nose a few times first and I’ll be right over.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          The service was never fucking free you goober it always had ads. Since the moment it expanded beyond a couple dozen 240p videos, it had ads. You know what they did though? Tried to pay the people you watch so they could make a living giving you content. But yes throw a fucking tantrum that you have to pay the website so they can stay running and pay the people so they can earn that “regular people money” you ignorant fuckwit. YouTube still, to this day, doesn’t make a profit and still comes at an expense to Google/Alphabet.

          You’ve been comfortable in that red wig and nose for way too long already.

          • @[email protected]
            65 months ago

            Yes, I’m the “ignorant fuckwit” who is “throwing a tantrum”. Read above and behold me being immature, for the crime of calling out the poor little giant corporation who reportedly generated $31.5 BILLION dollars last year. Clearly they’re just trying to keep the lights on, and not kowtowing to investors whose sole, stated goal, is to buy low, and cash out when line goes up. I’m the fuckwit for pointing out that this shouldn’t be the system we’re all just okay with accepting. Clearly.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          Does it even pay the people you watch? No… wait… it just freeloads off YouTube by piping that content to their site.

          • @[email protected]
            75 months ago

            it just freeloads

            I watch a number of creators that YT has demonetized so I’m not worried about it.

            YT can clearly see what people want in these apps. They simply need to provide the exact same functionality and set a price. They won’t though because they want control and data as well.

          • mbfalzar
            45 months ago

            YouTube Red content can only be seen with Premium, but not only does Premium not have new exclusive content, Premium features don’t work with member videos if you’re paying for channel membership

      • @[email protected]
        95 months ago

        There’s multiple issues with this but a lot of them come down to: it’s Google.

        They will charge. They have heaps of money, they will enzhittify. They will kill and recommend a new less capable app.

        They’re Google and I’m moving away from them hard.

        I do use YT a lot, and for now I pay. But give me a little time and that won’t be as true.

      • @[email protected]
        75 months ago

        But that doesn’t get rid of the ads, it just get rid of some. Sponsorblock would still be needed. Why pay a huge amount for something ineffective?

      • Cait
        75 months ago

        If it was fairly priced then maybe, but as of now yt premium just isn’t a good opntion

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          $15 a month is on par with other subscriptions, part of that money goes to the people you watch so they can get paid for what they do, I don’t see what’s unfair about this pricing. Yes, the features they give are lackluster and could easily be done by third party apps before they killed them but I pay for premium so the people who do YouTube as a job can make a living.

          • Cait
            75 months ago

            Because YouTube is well known for actually paying their creators… A lot of the creators I watch get a lot of their videos demonotized for nothing really, so I’d have to become a channel member to support them, at wich point I might as well just completly switch to their patreon. And just because it’s on par with other stupid subscriptions, doesn’t make it fair. There are a ton of useless perks to me I’d have to pay for. Doest Premium still come with YT music? Yeah that kinda shit. I you use all the stuff, fair, but I certainly wont, so no the price is not fair for me

  • just another devA
    506 months ago

    By now just paying for adblocking alone wouldn’t cut it, I have also grown accustomed to YouTube sponsorblock in my client.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      Indeed, paying for YouTube would still result in loads of advertisements. So it’s pretty crazy that Google (and various people) are saying you need to pay because you’d just pay and still see loads of ads.

      • just another devA
        95 months ago

        It’s not just the ads either. Automatically skipping interaction reminders, zelf promotion and non-music parts is such an improved experience that it’s just too painful to go back.

  • m-p{3}
    6 months ago

    I said the same thing for Reddit before the third-party apps crackdown; instead of cracking down on users who just want a better experience, they could allow third-party apps to be officially used if you have a paid/Premium subscription?

    That way Google gets paid, and the users who enjoy their third-party apps can keep using them without worrying about them suddenly breaking.

    That doesn’t solve the privacy issue which is a good reason why people use these, but at least it partly solves the monetary issue.

    • @[email protected]
      146 months ago

      It would only work if it was still a massive privacy invasion. They either feed you ads or sell your data, they’re not going to offer a service that can’t at least do one of those.

  • @[email protected]
    275 months ago

    It’s ok google, we have just as many engineers across the world that hate you and your ads and want to watch videos without your predatory pricing.

    • @[email protected]
      55 months ago

      Indeed. However, they have that web DRM thing in their back pocket. The more we resist (as we should) their efforts to shut ad circumvention down, the more they’ll look at web DRM I’m sure. And they’ll have all large media outlets with them when they load that ball into the cannon.

  • @[email protected]
    246 months ago

    Go ahead, as the only Google service I regularly interact with, I am looking for a reason to finally ditch it, so that I can say that I no longer use any Google services at all for any reason.

  • @[email protected]
    195 months ago

    Even if my client couldn’t block ads, I’d still keep it for the downvote button count and sponsor block.

    Fuck Google and their price gouging.

  • Xero
    185 months ago

    Google lost the battle even in their own browser so now they’re trying to save face by attacking third party apps, dumbass just don’t know how to take the L.

  • Kokesh
    176 months ago

    No. No fucking ads, or lack of swipe controls.

  • @[email protected]
    145 months ago

    I uninstalled the YouTube app on my phone a long time ago. I only visit the site in an ad blocking browser.

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      Had no idea you could do that. I just went and did it, thanks for the tip. I use Newpipe anyway

  • @[email protected]
    55 months ago

    Does anyone know how to add my subscriptions and channels from regular YouTube to newpipe? There isn’t a login feature.

    • @[email protected]
      55 months ago

      You have to export your youtube data at “google takeout manager” and import it in new pipe. Also you can read about it at newpipe FAQs