• @[email protected]
    2935 months ago

    Someone just removed many lifetimes of CO2 emissions with a couple of lines of code.

    Shame that usage will just expand to fill the gap. Thanks late stage capitalism. Degrowth.

    • sweetpotato
      1195 months ago

      Wasn’t expecting this under a random unrelated post. A very welcome comment nonetheless.

      Never forget that the exponential boom of renewable energy tech the last 20 years has entirely served as additional energy, not as replacement of fossil fuels.

      • @[email protected]
        255 months ago

        Unexpected but entirely welcome.

        People do forget this all too often.

        Cheaper stuff, use more , value less.

        • sweetpotato
          5 months ago

          Why would you assume I am talking about Europe which accounts for 1/10 of the global energy consumption and why would I be talking the continent that has mostly outsourced its heavy industry to third world countries? Why would you assume this?


          Here’s your source. Here’s your total energy consumption. It couldn’t have been that hard to look at our world in data right? How can you be so absolutely wrong about data in plain sight while being confident about it? Do you have an agenda?

          • @[email protected]
            75 months ago

            Oh god, I forgot you .ml fuckmuppets are incapable of maintaining a civil tone.

            Europe is a single market. While it does import goods from elsewhere (namely Asia), from what I remember that does not nearly make up for the overall downwards trend of consumption & emissions.

            Developing countries are increasing their emissions as they increase their purchasing power. While there is certainly a debate to be held over the details of that, I do not see how that invalidates my point that renewables don’t just serve to increase overall power consumption.

            However if you’re thinking of replying with the same lip you just gave me I suggest instead of responding to my comment, you take your teenage attitude and shove it somewhere the sun don’t shine.

            • sweetpotato
              5 months ago

              My “attitude” in no way excuses the very offensive remarks on your part, but I guess that’s what happens when you try to defend undefendable claims. You jump from claim to claim, when you are proven wrong, like how you edited out the part where you claim the European trend can be extrapolated to the entire world and you personally attack me with the excuse that I was taken aback by the ignorance on a straightforward Google search.

              From what you remember (from where? That’s a good question I guess no one will ever answer us apparently)that does not make up for the overall downwards trend of consumption and emissions. Ok let’s deconstruct that quickly. Consumption has not been decreasing, it has been increasing, proven by the ever rising GDP, which measures exactly that, the total output of goods and services and considering the imports and exports are roughly equal for Europe and that material consumption is coupled to gdp, that’s the consumption.

              When I say that Europe has outsourced its heavy industry to third world countries, I wasn’t talking just about “importing goods”. I was talking about their entire production. And the fact that fossil fuel consumption is still ever growing in Europe as well as in the entire West, coupled to the GDP growth is proven in Hickel(2019) “Is green growth possible”, where the domestic material consumption index is proven not to be accounting for the outsourced fossil fuels and materials consumed in third world countries to produce the goods imported, vital for Europe. The actual material footprint(which is the fossil fuel consumption and materials combined) is growing along with the GDP. And when you understand this, you realize it is all an illusion of accounting.

              These are your two tragically false claims. For the third paragraph I don’t have much to say besides that third world countries need to increase their GDP to be living comfortably since they are destitute and the first world countries need to degrow like we said. Scientists have been saying this for so many years. There is a space between planetary boundaries and the decent living conditions that all people can and should be living in. The west exceeds the planetary limits(per capita), the economic south is below decent living conditions. That’s what degrowth preaches. It refers to the west, not the world in general.

      • @[email protected]
        105 months ago

        Kind of like the butcher who got his hands dirty cutting a steak and then a Michelin star chef cooking it for you.

        One got his hands bloody. The other made it delectable for you to eat.

        Which is more important to the process?

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        He followed legal advice from lawyers and removed some russians from being kernel maintainers to comply with sanctions.

        • @[email protected]
          275 months ago

          People are more mad about how he did it rather than just the action he took. If he just explained why without being a prick nobody would care.

          • @[email protected]
            5 months ago

            “Without being a prick” Dawg being a prick is his primary way of communication, power to him

            • Norah (pup/it/she)
              5 months ago

              No, I also found the way he handled it really distasteful. Even before his response, just generally the way the whole thing was attempted under a veil wasn’t great. The actions taken should have been transparent from the start.

              I do agree that it shouldn’t be polluting this thread like this though.

              • @[email protected]
                35 months ago

                Hey, all of those people knew in advance what will happen. I know people who are working for companies under sanctions, that were contributing to kernel before the war, and all of them knew that at some point they might be banned from that, and they still aren’t, their contributions just aren’t merged without review.
                The Russian sympathisers trying to spin it as their sudden act of russophobia out of the blue, but it’s absolutely everything but. When you work for Putin and his war, you shouldn’t be surprised that people don’t trust you implicitly.

            • @[email protected]
              85 months ago

              What is the point of this comment? Linus was childish as hell in the email chain and started a bunch of drama for literally no reason. I’m not mad as much as I am embarrassed to be a part of the Linux community when things like this happen.

          • @[email protected]
            45 months ago

            There will always be something to pick at, and with the number of trolls on here to inflame and manipulate any legitimate concerns, i highly suspect the troll farms and related pawns would find something to bitch about.

            The fact is, not everyone has the EQ to state the issue perfectly clearly in terms everyone can accept.

            “No, do you really expect me to look past what Russia is doing? Absolutely fucking no,” is basically reasonable.

          • @[email protected]
            35 months ago

            We have to face is Linus might be good intentionned but his years on the internet have made him an remorseless abrasive juvenile dickhead. I wish he’d lampshade it because most of the tine he comes off as just a nasty arogant goblin. It’s clear he feels permitted for his accomplishment and hard work to take his frustrations on others and it’s clear he knows it’s really not fucking helping but it seems he simply can’t help himself. Like being nice is a sign of weakness.

        • jaxxed
          225 months ago

          He went beyond that. “As a Finn, do you really expect me to up in arms to support the Russians…”

          Bravo, slow-clap.

          • @[email protected]
            85 months ago

            I mean, do you? This is a violation by Russia of another sovereign state. Thus, everyone in Russia is affected by the consequences of that action.

            The Russian kernel coders, no matter their innocence, are subjects of a nation that can compel them to misbehave.

            Now, if they were leaving Russia and defecting, that’s another matter, where they are pulling their individual sovereignty away from the Russian state.

            • jaxxed
              35 months ago

              I have no problems with the action, and I have no problems with his attitude.

              The effort to isolate Russia is an acceptable result of the Russian violent invasion. Russian citizens are not to blame for their nation’s behaviour, but they do share responsibility.

              Removing contributes from the maintainers list is not an extreme action, but it is important as a statement.

              As for not feeling the need to defend the Russian citizens, it is nearly righteous for people from nation’s that have been bullied by their neighbours.

            • @[email protected]
              15 months ago

              Sanctions like this don’t work to affect change, it’s cruelty for the sake of cruelty with no other plausible purpose. Citizens have practically no control of their government in any nuclear state, blaming them and punishing them for something wholly unrelated to them based on their country of origin or residence is literally in the definition of hate speech, and literally is a fascist activity.

              • @[email protected]
                25 months ago

                It’s like being mean to customer service people of a bad company. it does effect the bottom line, because of high turnover as a result of a toxic workplace, but it mostly hurts the lowest paid people. Unfortunately, it’s one of few available levers when MAD is a factor.

                • @[email protected]
                  5 months ago

                  Just to circle back to this now that I’m more sober,

                  It’s like being mean to customer service people of a bad company.

                  If you do this you should unironically be put in jail and stopped from having any form of communication device for the rest of your life. I can’t overstate how fucking pathetic and psychopathic this thought is.

          • @[email protected]
            135 months ago

            Yes, only those with ties to the war, e.g. people who work for companies that develop software used on Russian drones.

            But people are angry that this wasn’t explained from the beginning.

            • @[email protected]
              65 months ago

              It’s companies that under sanctions, it’s not only drones, its banks that finance the war, and companies that are trying to censor the internet and destroy the privacy, that sort of things.

            • @[email protected]
              15 months ago

              I understand why people were mad it wasn’t made clear in the beginning. if it’s just people with ties to the war then it’s a good thing they did.

          • @[email protected]
            35 months ago

            How would you even know what ties a person has when the problem is government level security. Besides, Russia doesn’t exactly work on government payrolls anyway, it’s more about working in subsidiary companies owned by the oligarchs who are able to skirt the law effectively becoming the government in the process. It’s totally foreign to Western style government, there is nothing like it in the world

            • @[email protected]
              35 months ago

              It’s very simple. The US government maintains a list of sanctioned entities and companies. US citizens and businesses are not allowed to do business with these entities. Most of the removed maintainers either used their company email, or very publicly are employees of these sanctioned companies.

              There’s no investigation of connections or anything complicated going on here.

              Also, if you think corporations becoming effective government is some Russia specific thing, I have a bridge to sell you.

          • @[email protected]
            15 months ago

            There are points of power (like code run all over the world) that are desirable targets for malicious actors.

            So, those who are subject to a malicious foreign power, whether they are innocent or not, because they are subject to a power that is not innocent.

            We don’t need to attack those people, but we need to deny the Russian state the capacity to affect those points of power where we can. They claim Russian citizenry, and so they are impacted by Russia’s choices, and the international responses to Russia’s actions.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        He took the authorization for a bunch of Russians from being able to keep working on the Linux stuff. I’m def not remembering everything and I’d suggest you searching any news about it, it’s an interesting read

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          From being able to work on Linux stuff without having their contributions reviewed by someone else (not from russia).

          It’s an important distinction many seem to miss.

  • Display name
    5 months ago

    ITT: one reasonable comment about the topic and a shit ton of Putinist apologizers and heaxbear brigading

    Edit: no three comments

    • @[email protected]
      205 months ago

      Sometimes it is pleasant to defederate from an instance, especially if nothing of value is lost.

    • just another devA
      65 months ago

      It sucks that it overshadows the actual news.

      On the plus side, this post serves as a wonderful tool to clean up some garbage users/servers.

  • dustycups
    275 months ago

    The discussion on LKML was so civilised compared to this one.
    I wonder what the phoronix one is like…

  • @[email protected]
    15 months ago

    What’s the catch? Only on a specific price of hardware? Or is this an improvement on any hardware?